Friday 12 November 2010

Movie trailer report: the decent

The decent (2004)
The point of equilibrium is when they are driving and all chatty. The moment of disequilibrium is when the woman says she is stuck and the rock starts to move. The point of disequilibrium is when they all get stuck underground, to the end of the trailer.
Codes and conventions
• Group of vulnerable women- like teenagers
• Going to somewhere isolated- driving and then underground
• The dark, claustrophobia, the fear of the unknown
• Screaming
• Weapons- pickaxe, hammer
Sounds and editing
Women screaming, there is a low humming noise which adds a sense of uncertainty to the mood. Uses lots of slow fade-to-blacks and dissolves during the period of equilibrium and lots of jump cuts during the period of disequilibrium to go with the pace.
Shows caves and pools of water to show that they are underground and isolated from any help.

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