Friday 12 November 2010

Movie trailer report: Drag me to hell

Drag me to Hell (2009)
The point of equilibrium is when she is talking about her job and she tells the old woman that she cannot have an extension on her house payments. The moment of disequilibrium is when she begins to beg, and then says something. When the old lady attacks the young girl in the car park and looks evil, this is the point of disequilibrium.
Codes and conventions
• Religion
• Possession
• Screaming and “evil” music
• Making a safe place unsafe- when she is in her car, in bed, and in her house
Sound and editing
Screaming to add to the horror, high pitched- violins- to make it more fast-paced. Lots of camera shots towards the end to go with the pace of the music, whereas at the beginning, it had a few shots to show the story.
Religious imagery like churches and crosses, add to the theme of possession, evil and the devil. Elderly lady to represent a witchy character

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