Friday 28 January 2011

Analysis of location, props, costume and cast

We have chosen to focus our trailer on a group of teenagers (18-20) as this is the age that we are aiming it at. Our cast is made up of 6 girls, and 3 boys. Our protagonist acts provocative and promiscuous when she is out, and this follows the convention of SEX=DEATH, which is shown in films like ‘Texas chainsaw massacre’ and ‘Scream’.
We chose to have a majority of females in our cast, so we could show that all of them had different personalities in the group. For example, the shy and timid girls all survive and are unharmed because they are quiet and withdrawn from the group. We chose to have 3 boys so that our main character (Brooke Hunter) can be sexually brazen towards all three of them, which will confirm
That she is a promiscuous character.

Our initial idea for Brooke was to have her in a “slutty” outfit so that we could distinguish her out of the group as the one who would be in trouble. This is shown in films such as “All the boys love Mandy Lane” She is the most outgoing and vibrant of her friends and we decided that her outfit should reflect this. We chose this so that our audience would know she is the main character. She wears a short party dress, and very high heels; this is the way we think an 18 year old hair dresser would dress on a night out.
For the killer (Bobby Stembaski) we chose to dress him in a stereo typical way for a killer. The black means that we do not know the killers identity and so it acts as a mask like in “Scream”. This enables us to recognise that the killer is an abnormal character in the trailer, as he is dressed differently to the rest of the group.
For Brooke’s best friends (Lucy Fisher and Chloe Smith) we decided that they would be more covered up and classy. This means that we can see the difference between her and her friends, and that we can see exactly who the main character is, but at the same time we are conveying the way we think an 18 year old should be portrayed.

We decided to use a number of different weapons for our props, as out trailer will be based around torture. Our first weapons are pins. We decided this as it could be both a way of inflicting pain on Brooke, and a trademark for the killer too like in “Scream” where the killer’s trademark is his mask.
Our second choice of weapon is a knife. We chose this because when it used, it causes a slow and painful death for the victim. This is shown in “Scream” too.
Our other prop is alcohol. We decided this, as it is a common convention of horror films (The house on sorority row) it is a way to set up the scene to put Brooke in a vulnerable situation.

We have numerous locations that we have decided we want to film our trailer in. Our first scene will be set in a house, in Brooke’s bedroom. This will enable our audience to be fooled into a false sense of security, as the home is meant to be a safe place like in “Paranormal activity”. Our second location will be on a bus. This tells us that the location is in London, but also that the group are going somewhere. This is also where we will be able to see that the killer is following them.
The main location is going to be a pub where we can see the main points of each character conveyed. The pub is also another indication of alcohol, which puts the characters in a vulnerable situation.

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