Friday 28 January 2011

Media questionnaire and results analysis

1. Do you like horror films?
2. How old are you?
15-17/ 18-20/ 21+
3. What is your occupation?
Student/ Part-time/ Full-time/ Supermodel/ unemployed
4. What is your preferred type of horror movie genre?
Supernatural/ Slasher/ Psychological/ Thriller/
5. What is your favourite horror film of all time?
6. What is your least favourite horror film of all time?
7. Do you prefer to stay at home or go to the cinema when watching a horror movie? Why?
Staying home/ Going to the cinema
8. How often do you go to the cinema?
Once a week/ once a month/ once a year/ when a good film comes out
9. Do you watch a lot of films at home?
Yes/ No
10. Who do you watch horror films with?
Friends/ Other half/ Family/ Alone
11. When watching a horror movie trailer, do you prefer it to be short and not give a lot away, or be long and give some of the story?
Short/ Long
12. How do you find out about horror films?
Adverts/ Friends/ Internet/ Posters/ Reviews
13. What entices you to watch a horror film?
Torture/ Storyline
14. In a horror film, do you prefer the villain to live or die?
15. Who is your favourite villain of all time?
16. What would you expect to see in a horror film?
17. What weapon is the best in a horror film?
Knife/ Meat cleaver/ Chainsaw/ Rope/ Teeth (biting)/ Mind (physiological)
18. Do you prefer the main character to be a male or a female?
Male/ Female
19. What would your preferred type of killer?
Physco man/ escaped mental patient/ Ghost/ Zombie/ Possessed child
20. Do you prefer to see a stand-alone, sequel, trilogy or franchise?
Please circle appropriate.
21. Do you prefer original films or remakes?
Original/ Remake
22. How do you consume horror films?
Download (legally/ illegally)/ Buy films
23. How often do you buy/ download films?
A lot/ not a lot/ not at all

Question 1 We gave out our questionnaire to a total of 20 people we knew liked horror films before we handed them out, as we wanted positive and reliable feed back about the genre. The results show that all of these people like the horror genre.
Question 2 we gave our questionnaire to people near or under the age of 20, as we wanted to base our film around this age. The results show that most people are aged 18 – 20, so this gives us a rough age to aim our trailer at.
Question 3 A majority of people that we asked were either students or in part time work, this shows there age and that there young and this identifies the audience that we are aiming the trailers towards. This also shows that as these may not have a lot of money they are more likely to download and watch movies at home.
Question 4 we asked what type of film people preferred and the majority of the people liked slasher films. This means that when making our trailer we will make it like a slasher film, as this is the type of film that our intended audience liked.
Question 5 We gave 4 options of films and asked what their favourite film was. The results showed that ‘Halloween’ was the most popular. This is a slasher film so we could base our trailer around this.

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