Our media products follow and challenges many paradigms of real media products.
For example ‘Toderov’s theory of narrative’ shows a period of equilibrium, point of disequilibrium, moment of disequilibrium and the new equilibrium. We have chosen to follow this theory, as most real media products conform to this. We think that out product shows a clear definition of each of these
1. period of equilibrium
2. point of disequilibrium
3. period of disequilibrium
For the period of equilibrium, we have chosen to use long, slow shots as this is appropriate for the mood of the trailer at this point. As the trailer progresses to he moment of disequilibrium, we used faster jump cuts which reflect the disposition of the trailer.
We have also followed numerous other theories, for example, Carol Clover’s’ final girl’ theory. Although we did not follow this in the literal sense, we used the idea in our own way. We chose to have a group of final girls, instead of just one [shot].this is shown in the film trailer “The decent” (2005)
4. final group of girls
In our trailer, we have also used the ‘SEX/ALCOHOL=DEATH’, and differentiated this clearly from the other characters.
5. sex/alcohol= death
The mise-en-scene (costume) also shows this, as we have chosen to put the main character in a short skirt, a convention of a ‘party girl’. This is presented in “Halloween” (1978)
We thought that by doing this, it would put more focus on out main character, which follows the opposite convention.
Another convention that we have followed is the ‘mystery of the killer’. A common paradigm of real media products is that the audience cannot see the face of the killer like in “Scream” (1996) .
This conforms to the fear of the unknown, something which is a fear factor in horror films. We chose to follow this as it added a sense of fear to our trailers. The killer is also dressed in a black outfit, something else which is apparent in real media products. Black is often associated with death, and so we thought that it would be appropriate to put our killer in black costume.
Additionally, we used the paradigm of ‘the motive of the killer’ in out trailer.
In real media products the killer has often been provoked to kill/kidnap like in “All the boys love Mandy Lane ” (2006). We chose to follow this convention as it showed that anyone could be a victim, something else that adds an element of fear to the audience.
7. motive of killer
motive of the killer
For out location, we chose to set it in busy environments, such as a school, house, and a pub.
We thought that this would be effective in our trailer as a pub is often considered a safe environment to be in when there are other people around, and so to put this in a horror film, we thought it would challenge the conventions of the setting being in a desolate environment as shown in “Cherry tree lane” (2010). This adds fear-factor to our trailer, as the audience may then think that it cold happen to them in a ‘safe’ environment.
However, in our torture scene, we have conformed to media conventions, as it is set in an isolated location like in “Eden lake” (2008). This adds suspense to our clip as the victim cannot get help, which is frightening for the audience.
9a. isolated location
The final convention that we have chosen to follow is that our media product doesn’t show any of the characters being killed, only tortured [shot] as shown in “The Texas chainsaw massacre” (1974). By doing this we have shown the audience that the character is in need of help, but we do not show the outcome, something which is more likely to want our target audience want to see it.
10. tortue
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