Saturday 19 March 2011

What have you learned from audience feedback?

When we presented out first draft of our media product to our focus group, there was aspects that we needed to change, and others that we decided to keep. For example, in out first draft of the trailer, we had one piece of music that was continuous throughout. After showing this to our focus group, they commented that the music we had chosen did not match with our torture scene, and so we had to choose two different pieces that would match.
Our focus group also mentioned that the whole product looked more like a short film, rather than a trailer. To improve this, we added lots of jump cuts in the torture scene and editing of the party scene.

 By doing this we managed to achieve a product that looked more like a trailer and less like a film that showed individual and separate stages.
After showing the developed trailer to our focus group, they agreed that the trailer had been improved and looked better with the changes.
During our planning process, we came up with a questionnaire that we handed out to our target audience. From this we were able to distinguish what our audience would like to see in a horror film, and base our trailer around these findings. For example, the feedback suggested that our target audience would relate more to a group of teenagers in distress than an elderly person, and so we decided that we would use a group of teenagers in our film trailer.

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